Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween, Zig Zags, Monica Lewinsky and Christmas!

It's almost Halloween here in the U.S.  Yet as I shopped for "things" to send my mother for her birthday, I saw lots and lots of Christmas stuff. 
Do we experience each holiday, or just look to the next?  Fall just "fell".  I personally would like to take a breather and relax with each wonderful event. 
I've always liked Halloween, but I am not a huge, huge fan.  I think the most fun I had was when I was about 19 and decided to dress in black tights and a leotard and took 2 orange poster boards and recreated the Zig-Zag logo. It was another one of those "inside" jokes because it was so not me. 

The other time I had loads of fun is when my youngest daughter was about 8 months.  It was during the height of the whole Monica Lewinsky thing and I happened to have a green beret and one of those ridiculously oversized cigars.  I know....I know....I tricked and treated in the city of Chicago with my 5 year old and "Monica".  I got loads of laughs and "oh my god's that is so funny but could you do that???!!!"
 I guess I've had more fun than I remembered.  I went out to dinner the other night with a very good friend and her daughter and they were talking about the time I showed up at my daughter's school (on Halloween) with just one tooth blacked out - regular clothing and all...just one tooth gone.  Yeah....that's my twisted sense of humor!
Back to holidays......I used to have a favorite store in Deerfield.  It was called "Romancing the Home" and it was a wonderful cornucopia of pure delight for the eyes.  I thought they went out of business, but just discovered they moved to the next town over!!!!  Yay!  So happy they are still around. 
A couple of weeks ago I was at Goodwill with (the above mentioned daughter) and found this....
for two dollars!    I think I have about 35 pink, light pink, hot pink, scarlet, red and fuschia globes....vintage....1970ish?
Then I found this at Romancing the Home...
I not only found one, but about 8 and each bag was $2 each....and filled with amazing vintage things! you get it, right?  :) Stay tuned!

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